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The PCOE State and Federal Programs Network meets monthly following the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. We provide current and accurate information for program directors responsible for oversight of federal categorical programs and state requirements. Meetings include pertinent and timely information on topics related to categorical needs, programs, compliance, and other related items. In addition, the meetings provide an opportunity to meet and share ideas with people who have similar responsibilities within other Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).

See attached flyer.
Starts Starts: 8/29/2024 8:30 AM
Ends Ends: 5/29/2025 10:30 AM
Sessions Sessions: 8
Duration Duration: 273 days 2 hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 22 open seats left
Inclusive Learning Circles - Fostering Synergy Between UDL, AT, & AAC
Inclusive Learning Circles

Fostering Synergy Between UDL, AT, & AAC

Audience: Open to all educators to expand knowledge and share best practices.
Click here for flyer.
Starts Starts: 9/18/2024 3:00 PM
Ends Ends: 5/21/2025 4:00 PM
Sessions Sessions: 9
Duration Duration: 245 days 1 hour
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 129 open seats left
Placer County Office of Education hosts quarterly Multilingual Learner Coordinator Network (MLCN) meetings. These meetings were formerly known as the English Learner Coordinators’ Network or ELCN. The MLCN provides local district educators who coordinate services for English learners and dual language programs with the opportunity to obtain relevant information about English learner issues, up to date guidance and a chance to brainstorm and network with other districts.

See attached flyer
Starts Starts: 9/18/2024 9:00 AM
Ends Ends: 5/27/2025 12:00 PM
Sessions Sessions: 4
Duration Duration: 251 days 3 hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 15 open seats left
This network serves as a space for participants to collaborate on effective use of state assessments, including ELA/Math SBAC, Interims, ELPAC, and CAST. This network supports learning from peers, sharing best practices, and using assessment practices to enhance instructional strategies and monitor student progress.

See attached flyer.
Starts Starts: 12/13/2024 9:00 AM
Ends Ends: 5/15/2025 11:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 3
Duration Duration: 153 days 2 hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 13 open seats left
Join our Ethnic Studies Implementation Workgroup, a collaborative opportunity for leaders across districts to:

  • Network and form partnerships with neighboring districts
  • Share current practices and strategies for implementing the Ethnic Studies graduation requirement
  • Learn from each other’s successes and obstacles
  • Work together to address challenges and solutions in real time
  • Engage in Q&A sessions with peers

    See attached flyer.
Starts Starts: 1/7/2025 10:00 AM
Ends Ends: 3/13/2025 10:30 AM
Sessions Sessions: 3
Duration Duration: 65 days 30 minutes
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: Closed
Closed Enrollment
This module for preschool teachers focuses on planning, implementing, and observing playful activities that enhance children’s knowledge and skills. Pulling from NAEYC’s publication, Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning, this online learning experience offers guidance on how to, interact with children during play, carefully evaluate teaching practices, and incorporate meaningful play opportunities into rigorous and developmentally appropriate practices that can result in deep, rich learning for children.

Please note this is a sign up for a self paced online module.  The date shown here is not reflective of when the module will be available, closed, or need to be completed. After 1/7/25 you will receive an email with information on how to access the module. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. 
Module info can be found here: https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pd/online-learning/serious-fun  
Starts Starts: 1/7/2025 8:00 AM
Ends Ends: 6/30/2025 9:00 PM
Sessions Session: Online
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 45 open seats left
Conducted through Google Classroom, this series allows participants to listen to the selected podcasts at their own pace and then share their thoughts in an engaging, collaborative discussion forum. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and deepen your knowledge on topics that matter to you.

How it Works: Listen to the podcast at your convenience, join the Google Classroom discussion forum to share your insights, respond to peers, share reflections, and learn together.

Download the flyer here!
Starts Starts: 1/21/2025 3:30 PM
Ends Ends: 5/23/2025 8:00 PM
Sessions Session: Online
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 9 wait spaces available
Placer County Community-based organizations are invited to join local school districts for an engaging session on strengthening collaborations to better serve youth. More
Starts Starts: 3/28/2025 8:30 AM
Ends Ends: 3/28/2025 1:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Duration Duration: 4 hours 30 minutes
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: Closed
Closed Enrollment
Topics to Be Discussed: * Vaccine Preventable Childhood Diseases * Why Vaccinate? Common Vaccine Myths * Resources for More Information * Placer County Early Childhood Immunization Data More
Starts Starts: 3/31/2025 6:00 PM
Ends Ends: 3/31/2025 7:30 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Duration Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Credits Credits: 1.5 CE Contact Hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 68 open seats left
Goal setting helps students stay motivated and focused on their own learning and progress, ultimately helping to improve academic performance and outcomes. This session focuses on the benefits of student goal setting for ELA/Math SBAC, ELPAC, and CAST. This work builds on a goal setting model implemented in several schools for SBAC over the last two years. Participants will walk away with resources to start goal setting right away with their students.

See attached flyer.
Starts Starts: 3/31/2025 10:00 AM
Ends Ends: 3/31/2025 11:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Duration Duration: 1 hour
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 24 open seats left
Enjoy an engaging reading of Beautiful Oops followed by a discussion on fostering resilience in young learners that will emphasize how embracing mistakes can lead to personal growth and development. Attendees will partake in a fun interactive problem-solving activity that will allow them to experience firsthand how mistakes and play can stimulate creativity and problem solving skills. Participants will leave with practical strategies to implement to promote a positive and resilient learning environment. This session will include Q&A with the author and a live singing performance. More
Starts Starts: 4/1/2025 6:00 PM
Ends Ends: 4/1/2025 8:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Duration Duration: 2 hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 36 open seats left
Join us as we explore the Growing Brain Curriculum and learn how the brain develops along with the ways the provider can encourage healthy brain growth in children from birth to 5 years old. This is a 9-part series. All sessions are recommended, but not required. Please Note: The times for each session is from 12:30p-1:30pm - Refer to the flyer for all the dates of each Session. If you have previously completed a Growing Brain Series, please do not register for this event. Space is limited. More
Starts Starts: 4/1/2025 12:30 PM
Ends Ends: 4/1/2025 1:30 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Duration Duration: 1 hour
Credits Credits: 1 CE Contact Hours
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 14 open seats left
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